【同义词辨析】 2019-03-21 节奏旋律精确坚持感觉(5小组一起记)

(1) 节奏
rhythm: implies movement and flow as well as an agreeable succession of rising and falling sounds and the recurrence at fairly regular intervals of a stress, such as a prolonged syllable or an accented note: moved gracefully to the ~.      rhythm节奏的简单解释是a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements or activities声音或动作或活动的有规律的重复性的变化模式 1、既可以指声音动作sounds or movements,如the music's fast/slow/steady rhythm音乐的快/慢/平稳节奏,如the rhythm of her breathing/dancing她呼吸/舞蹈的节奏 2、也可以指事件活动activities or events,如the rhythm of country life/your body/four seasons/work乡村生活/身体/四季变换/工作的节奏

meter: implies the reduction of rhythm to system and measure and the establishment of a definite rhythmical pattern: an epic in hendecasyllabic ~.    诗歌中meter表示格律,如唐诗的格律meter有五言律诗和七言律诗,在字句行数和每行字数、押韵、平仄、对仗各方面有严格规定    音乐中的meter表示节拍,节拍meter是衡量节奏的单位,指有一定强弱分别的一系列拍子在每隔一定时间重复出现,如 2/4、4/4、3/4节拍       hendecasyllabic十一音节律诗

cadence: may be equivalent to rhythm or to meter or may stress variety in ordered sequence, often with falling or rising effects: the gentle ~ of the local dialect.  词根CAD表示to fall下落     cadence还表示乐曲尾声的上升或下降

rhythm节奏: 指声音高低长短变化,以及重拍有规律的重复,meter节拍格律: 对节奏进行衡量体系,cadence语调升降、乐曲尾声: 指人说话语调有升降单调,也指乐曲尾声的升降

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)节奏的意思是声音强度有规律的升降mean the more or less regular rise and fall in intensity of sounds that is associated especially with poetry and music.

(2) 旋律
melody: stresses the sweetness and beauty of the sound produced and often suggests the expressiveness or moving power of a carefully wrought pattern: a poignant ~.      wrought=made, created制作出的创作出的,如well-wrought pop制作精良的流行乐         pattern模式模板suggests an archetype or prototype that can be used for guidance or imitation即(可用于引导或模仿的)典型或原型,如American industry sets a pattern for others to follow美国树立了供其他国家效仿的工业模式) pattern很常用,意思是"两个type",请死记。 很多时候,pattern只是表示一种形式form,这里pattern也只是表示乐曲这一形式,没有译出
air: is likely to apply to an easily remembered succession of tones which identifies a simple musical composition, such as a ballad or waltz, but in technical use it applies to the dominating melody, usually carried by the upper voices, of a piece of vocal music: hummed a lovely Celtic ~.    ballad民谣waltz华尔兹舞曲圆舞曲

tune: can denote a usually simple musical composition or the air that gives it its character: can you remember the ~ of "America"?

melody旋律: 强调优美动人制作精良的乐曲,air/aria咏叹调: 指单人演唱简单好记的旋律,是歌剧戏剧的独立组成部分,本义是优美的旋律,tune小调: 指简单的旋律

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

        2)旋律的意思是一连串有节奏的声音mean a clearly distinguishable succession of rhythmically ordered tones.      tone语调,如汉语有4个tones语调,还表示语气、音色,这里表示sound声音

(3) 精确
precision: regularly suggests a desirable or sought-for quality and connotes such contributing factors as exactitude, care, devoted workmanship, or thoughtful choice: chose her words with great care and ~.       本例用词精确,又如the precise terms of the contract合同中的精确条款

preciseness: more often suggests a less than desirable quality and is likely to connote such contributing factors as rigidity, severity and strictness, or overnicety in observance of rules or proprieties: spoke each sentence with an annoying and intimidating ~.

precision精确: 褒义,由于严格细心专注谨慎,preciseness精确: 贬义,表示过分严格严厉僵硬

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)精确的意思是mean the quality or state of being precise.      precise精确强调一贯准确,accurate准确一般只是指某一次准确,两个词的基础词都是correct正确

(4) 坚持
adherence: suggests a mental or moral attachment: ~ to the principles of reform.         attach联结: 1、原指用绳子等系住to connect or unite by a bond, link, or tie 2、后泛指附上贴上,如attach the W-2 form here这里附上工资税收表格 3、还表示交往联系to associate, connect with someone,如he attached himself to an older, wealthy woman他和一个比他大的富有女人交往)  本例坚持改革的原则, 坚持改革开放是adherence to the reform and the opening to the outside world,动词adhere同样表示坚持或遵守,如she adheres to a strict vegetarian diet/religious laws坚持素食/遵守宗教法律

adhesion: implies a physical attachment: the ~ of paint to a surface.

adherence坚持: 表示思想品行上的联结,adhesion黏着: 指物理上的联结

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

     2)坚持的意思是坚定地遵守支持mean to stick to or together.           HER是第92个词根,意思是to stick黏贴ad/co/inherent,在adhere中形容坚定的遵守或支持

(5) 感觉
atmosphere: implies a quality that accrues to something or that pervades it as a whole and that determines the impression given by that thing: a country inn with a warm and friendly ~.   气氛atmosphere的简单解释是a particular way a place or situation makes you feel某个地方或环境给人的感觉,如a restaurant with a romantic/relaxed atmosphere餐馆的浪漫/轻松气氛,如本例乡村酒馆温暖友好的气氛,如the news created an atmosphere of fear/excitement/confusion这条新闻给人带来(使人感到)一片恐惧/激动/混乱的气氛)   pervade弥漫遍及to spread through   accrue积累增长to increase over a period of time 这里的pervade和accure表示弥漫,没有译出

feeling: implies that something has distinctive qualities that create a definite if unanalyzable impression: a garden with a definite country ~.     impression印象applies to an idea, or an opinion that you get about someone or something是对某人或某物的观点意见,如strong/favorable/good/positive impression on us给我们留下强烈/有利/良好/正面的印象,又如first impressions are important but can be misleading第一印象重要但可能误导人,如I was under the impression that admission was free表示我当时误以为入场免费,I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression抱歉给你留下错误的印象,可见impression常表示不清楚不准确的印象

aura: suggests an ethereal or mysterious quality that seems to emanate from a person or thing: a movie queen with an unmistakable ~ of glamour.   气质aura表示给人的某种感觉implies a quality or feeling that seems to surround a person or place or to come from them,如本例aura of glamour迷人的气质(感觉),如she always has an aura of confidence/authority给人一种有信心/权威的感觉)       emanate散发to produce or show something     ethereal飘渺的extremely delicate and light; seeming to belong to another, more spiritual, world,如ethereal music/beauty飘渺空灵的音乐/飘逸的美

atmosphere气氛: 指某个地方或环境给人的感觉,feeling感觉: 本质是一种印象,可能难以解释,aura气质: 表示一种飘渺神秘的感觉

记忆方法: 1)练习一下

         2)感觉的意思是使人产生印象的无形特质mean an intangible quality that gives something an individual and distinctly recognizable character.